Introducing Tea Drops Astrology!
Discover which teas fit your sign and shop our teas by your sign! Happy Scorpio Season -- read our Scorpio horoscope below.
Scorpio Horoscope
Though it’s a tough year, your confidence holds strong!Time to focus in on yourself and DO YOU. At times your patience is tested and you might be a little self-centered, which aren’t really your normal Scorpio qualities! While you’ve got that notorious Scorpio attitude already, you’ll really be feeling yourself and in the zone closer to the end of the year. You might go to great lengths to reinvent yourself, but you aren’t doing it for anyone else. This is your time to get what you want, Scorpio.
The sun spends time in your confident sign at the end of October until late November, highlighting all your best qualities. Go Scorpio, its your birthday! Your desires reveal themselves, and you crave closer relationships with some people… understandable during this time. Though you plan on keeping things to yourself, others will lay it all out. You are irresistible to most people and they feel lucky to know you, but it’s up to you to let them into your circle in the end.
Shop Scorpio Teas
Shop By Sign
EARTH SIGNS: TAURUS 4/19-5/20, VIRGO 8/22-9/22, CAPRICORN 12/21-1/19
Matcha Latte Kit
Vanilla White Tea Mug Kit
AIR SIGNS: LIBRA 9/22-10/22, AQUARIUS 1/19-2/19, GEMINI 5/20-6/20
Blueberry Acai
Boba Deluxe Tea Set
Golden Latte Kit
WATER SIGNS: CANCER 6/20-7/20, SCORPIO 10/22-11/21, PISCES 2/19-3/20
Chocolate Earl Grey
GLOW Tea Sprinkles
Ultimate Sampler
FIRE SIGNS: ARIES 3/20-4/19, LEO 7/22-8/22, SAGITTARIUS 11/21-12/21
Citrus Ginger
Ultimate Dessert Sampler
Chai Latte Kit