Hi, everyone! Allow me to introduce myself, if you haven’t already heard from me before, I’m Isabella and I work in Marketing + Partnerships for Tea Drops. I’ve been with this company for a little over a year and love how I get to connect with people in so many ways!
I’m going to briefly walk you through, how to connect with others to strengthen the communities across multiple aspects of your life-- if you're dealing with friendships, roommates, members of your family, coworkers, and even organizations you’re apart of-- , and I’ll lay out three steps on how you can connect better with others and help you examine the way you interact with the people in your life.
I’ll give you what I think is the key, right off the bat… make people feel good, therefore, you’ll feel good. “Your vibe attracts your tribe” which is a very cringey saying I’ve heard a few times, and seen on t-shirts along the Venice Beach boardwalk, but I think whoever came up with it is definitely on to something. I’ll explain what I mean and how you can incorporate that when you are dealing with people in any setting.
What’s a community? Again, I’ll leave it to Merriam Webster, they know it all.
“a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals.”
Here are a few ways making people feel good can help you connect better with those you surround yourself with.
1. HYPE people up!
Hype your squad up! Whether it’s providing a friend with advice they need to hear, helping someone realize their potential at work, or sending a quick note of positivity in the group chat, when people feel supported; the wheels on the bus of community will go round and round.
2. Be REAL.
Be your authentic self! The more comfortable you are with yourself, the more you’ll attract people who are accepting of you for you... and when everyone is comfortable, everyone is having fun! Being real is most important because at times it even allows you to check up on one another and sometimes that even means telling it like it is. But even a little bit of criticism is good for growth as an individual and as a community.
3. Inclusion is everything.
The whole reason a community comes together is because there’s a common interests or goals. Use those commonalities to drive the bus of community. Acknowledge everyone, make sure everyone holds a role and feels like they hold a purpose. Listen and learn from others to have a better understanding of self and the people around you.
Not saying these are exact rules to follow, but things to consider. See how you can apply and incorporate these three topics in to interacting with your community! They’ve helped me and hopefully they help you, too.