This month is all about YOU. We invite you to discover more about yourself and they way you operate as an individual, as well as the way you interact with others. The Enneagram of Personality, or simply the Enneagram, is a model of the human psyche which is principally understood and taught as a typology of nine interconnected personality types. Learn more about your personality type with Steph Barron Hall, a certified Enneagram coach and find out which of these nine interconnected personality types you are.
Steph Barron Hall is a speaker, certified Enneagram coach, and the author of the new book, The Enneagram in Love: A Roadmap for Building and Strengthening Romantic Relationships. Steph founded her instagram page, @ninetypesco, in 2017 as a way to explore her own interest in the Enneagram, and it has since grown into a community of people who are all learning about the Enneagram, themselves, and their relationships together. Steph specializes in bringing clarity to complex concepts and communicating the Enneagram in a way that is relatable and concise so that it can be transformative for all.
Subscribe by the 15th, orders ship on the 20th every month!
What's Inside:
- 4 Tea Varieties for a total of 16 tea drops.
- Access to an Enneagram quiz to learn more about your personality type.
- Exclusive interview with certified Enneagram coach, Steph Barron Hall.
- A DIY challenge to learn more about yourself.
Plus, in addition to the 16 tea drops, you will get Copper Cow Rose Pour-over Coffee! Vietnamese Iced Coffee with a hint of rose.
All for $25/month!